Dallas, TX
FD19, Fabrication Day 2019, was designed to make architects, designers, urban planners, landscape planners, and the Dallas community members rethink the average bus stop. Participants have been challenged to build their designs with limited, digitally fabricated supplies, a tight budget, and attention to DART’s specs. “There are a couple things that led us to this,” says Better Block Director Krista Nightengale, “1. Downwinders at Risk brought to our attention a recent study that showed that you could cut PM exposure by 30-40 percent by simply rethinking the bus stop. So we want to think about how to reposition the bus stop to better protect people as they wait. 2. This is something we’ve seen/felt as we wait for the bus: many times, the stop is literally a pole in the ground. So how can we use what we do to give folks a place to sit and give them shade? And how can we make bus stops fun?” The nine participating teams included Studio Outside, Novaré Studio, CityLab High School, Motion Studio at Fitzpatrick Architects, TBG & Boka Powell, Harkensback, Culture House, Crum Collaboration, and OmniPlan showcased their designs at the event. Both winners were close, but in the end: Judges’ Choice (and $1,000) went to Motion Studio at Fitzpatrick Architects. The People’s Choice went to Studio Outside. Our design competitions are meant to give creatives a chance to showcase what they can do. Our annual fabrication competitions are all about spreading awareness about human-centric design and allowing our Dallas community to take part in imagining how the structures we interact with daily can be better.
LEARN MORE ABOUT FD19: https://www.betterblock.org/post/fd19-build-a-better-bus-stop
VIEW TEAMS' VIDEOS: https://youtu.be/L0UD86kvPOc