Spin Spot Parklet Design Competition
Denver, CO
Beginning in June, through a partnership with Spin, we launched an open call for designers, urbanists, architects, citizens, and anyone who cares about safe and livable streets, to design and build an on-street, life-size parklet prototype that blends the traditional parklet concept, bike corral, and bus shelter with scooter parking and placemaking. We received proposals from all around the world, from Dallas to Egypt, brimming with unique ideas to better use a parking space. It was difficult, but we narrowed the submissions down to six finalists who brought their designs to life on national Park(ing) Day in Denver, Colorado, on September 20. The winners were Urban Backyard for Judge's Choice and The Hive for People's Choice. Every design showed that parking spaces normally set aside for hunks of metal could be something much more joyful for people.