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And these top designers will help us do it.

We put out an open invitation for designers, artists, architects, and innovators to explore the profound impact of design on how people connect with others, the universe, and themselves in today's world. The competition aims to heal, unite, and inspire sustainability, inclusivity, and human and spiritual connection, and builds from the Jewish imperatives to improve our global community and honor the interconnectedness of all people and the planet.

The challenge is to create a public infrastructure
piece that reimagines public spaces as catalysts
for creating moments of connection, empathy,

and shared experiences.

Design Finalists: 

  • Community Catalysts (Team CC): Atifa Shalwani, Darius Harris, Amber Fluker, Melody Kao, McKenna Pape

  • Play On Woods: Simon Anderson

  • Team Rock Leaf: Lynn Trepp, Jill Sahlstrom, Ken Sahlstrom

  • N'ụlọ Adaeze Studio: Nnennia / N'ụlọ Adaeze

  • Zac Feltoon Design: Zac Feltoon

  • Plymorphic: Justin Childress, Angela Molinero Heras, Haritha Somanathan Muriyath, Jessica Burnham, Chris Cloud

  • BF Studios: Bunmi Fagbenro

  • Placemarked X Design Co:Lab: Isha Patel, Pavithra Sriram

  • Jordan Bowman, Elizabeth Richardson, Samantha Doughty, Danny Krafft

The final creations should be a testament to the idea that design can not only be pragmatic but also bridge divides, foster unity, and promote a deeper sense of connection with the world around us – and it should align with Better Block’s Wikiblock philosophy that anyone, anywhere can create beautiful and meaningful design.

Over the coming months, the finalists will be hard at work bringing their designs to life, ready to showcase them at the competition on June 13 in Dallas, Texas, at Thanks-Giving Square where they’ll be competing and judged by a curated panel. The community will have the opportunity to vote a for People’s Choice favorite via an online ballot after the competition day on June 14.


Join us in this competition as these designers create a piece that helps reshape public spaces into beacons of connection and understanding. In a recent interview with CityLab Bloomberg, we discuss how design can tackle loneliness and make the Thanks-Giving Square's plaza into a more welcoming place. Let's use the language of design to bridge gaps, foster empathy, and celebrate the beauty of our shared humanity. Together, we can create spaces that inspire modern-day manifestations of spirituality through connection, compassion, and our shared humanity.​



A temporary demonstration is headed to Thanks-Giving Square this summer and we need your help!



A webinar series exploring how our world is shaped by faith, religion, and bringing people together.



For all the details on the design competition specs, take a look at the competitors' brief.



Meet the folks working with

you to bring this initiative to life.

About Creating Connections: A Design Competition

El TBK Bank Plaza es un lugar colorido y vibrante ubicado en el norte de Dallas. Rediseñado por Better Block para mejorar seguridad y funcionamiento, la nueva plaza cuenta con un contenedor de envío de cuatro ventanas usable_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d-58d8_as90cf_57c9_4 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_refugio comercial emergente, estación de registro y unidad de almacenamiento. Los cruces peatonales inspirados en alfombras se extienden a lo largo de las calles, lo que hace que la plaza sea fácilmente accesible y esté bien definida. -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_swings, and movable long tables and café sets. The central stage is shaded and puede apoyar a una banda grande o incluso a un equipo de baile infantil. Una serie de luces de cadena se extienden por la plaza, creando un ambiente acogedor y_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_espacio vibrante para albergar sus festivales, eventos familiares, celebraciones al aire libre y conciertos. 

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