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Dallas “Knox Strasse” Better Block Project


Team Better Block will be unveiling the first physically separated cycle-track in Dallas on Knox Street connecting the Katy Trail to the retail along Knox. This project is being developed in partnership with the city’s Complete Streets program to test the idea of creating a more pedestrian and bike friendly street while introducing innovative road treatments found throughout Europe. The project, dubbed “Knox Strasse” (Strasse is the German word for street) will take place from September 27th – 30th and will include an open air biergarten, street market, parklets and more.  The temporary makeover for the four days will inform a future bond election project to make the street more inviting to all. Come out and be a part of the change and provide feedback on what should be made permanent.

Schedule of events:

September 27th

7am Cycle Track Demonstration Open

4pm – 10pm Build a Better Block Party Katy Trail @ Knox (come be a part of making Knox into Dallas’ first complete street, where close toed shoes, bring a hammer and gloves. Something for everyone to do!)

September 28th

We’ve got a great lineup of music planned for the Biergarten at Knox Strasse! Check out the full list below:

6pm – 11PM La Grange and Stash Deign Biergarten Trail @Knox

7pm- The Re-Mo’s 8pm – Geezer 9pm – Birds of Night

7PM Interactive Public Art

September 29th

7 am – 10am Coffee and Crepes on the Katy @ Knox

10 am – 11 pm Interactive Public Art Mural

3PM – 11PM La Grange and Stash Deign Biergarten and live Music Katy Trail @ Knox

3p The Jack Kerowax 4p Dead Mockingbirds 5p Grant Jones & the Pistol Grip Lassos 6p Walker & the Texas Dangers 7p – 9p LeCure 9p Virgin Wolves

4Pm Dallas Cycle Style Ride – More information here:

September 30th

8am – 10 am Coffee and Crepes on the Katy @ Knox

10 am – 3 pm  Knox Strasse Urban Market Katy @ Knox

Noon – 4pm La Grange and Stash Design Biergarten and Boys Named Sue   Katy Trail @ Knox


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