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Bike Harwood

Downtown Dallas, Inc., the City of Dallas, and the Better Block Foundation have partnered together to bring improved bicycle infrastructure along Harwood Street through Downtown, from Main Street to the Dallas Heritage Village. Known as Bike Harwood, this pilot project will provide separated micro-mobility lanes, additional on-street parking spaces, and new crosswalks to the street, creating a safe, efficient thoroughfare for those traveling on bicycles, scooters, or other personal mobility devices in the City Center. In addition to the micro-mobility lanes, the partners will also be installing vertical delineators and other decorative devices to further separate cars and vehicles from the bicyclists using the new facilities. 


Access to safe, efficient bicycle infrastructure in and around Downtown is a priority action item of the 360 Plan, Downtown’s strategic plan adopted by City Council in December 2017. In the plan, Harwood Street is identified as a District Connector, a corridor that should facilitate the movement of multiple modes of transportation – bicycle, pedestrian, and transit – in an effort to better connect Downtown to its adjacent neighborhoods. The Bike Harwood project will serve as a “living laboratory,” allowing the project partners to analyze how these transit modes perform and interact and to determine how similar projects can be implemented throughout other areas of the City Center.  

Volunteer With Us

Want to be a part of the team creating Dallas’ first protected micro-mobility facility in the City Center? Join Downtown Dallas, Inc., the City of Dallas, and the Better Block Foundation in painting its new protected micro-mobility facility. This is your chance to roll up your sleeves and get a little paint on your clothes. You provide the energy, we’ll provide the paint, brushes, and safety vests (thanks to Todd Interests). Meet us at the Farmers Market tractor (920 S. Harwood Street). Sign up for one of our two shifts on March 6th. 

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