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FD19: Build a Better Bus Stop

Krista Nightengale

I am so excited about this year’s prompt for our annual design competition. As someone who often stands at bus stops, I know how important it is to have a bench. As someone who often stands at bus stops in Dallas in August, I know how nice it would be to have a little shade. So, how can we use digital fabrication to provide these elements? And how can we help reduce particulate matter pollution? That’s where you come in.

Help us design a better bus stop. To learn more about how you can do this, come to our workshop on January 30 at 700 West Davis from 6-8, or send us a note. And then sign up your team for FD19 by February 4 (we’ll cap it at 10 teams). You’ll get $250, four hours on our CNC, and the possibility of winning $1,000. Plus you’ll get bragging rights as this year’s FD winner.

And thank you to our sponsor, Nunzio Marc Desantis Architects!


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